It took a lot to get this little squirmy butt to sit still for a photo..this was the best I could get...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ellie 17 Months
It took a lot to get this little squirmy butt to sit still for a photo..this was the best I could get...
Friday, January 22, 2010
A friend recently posted on her blog about Kids Against Hunger. Though I've never been to help package food..I now want to more than ever. For 2 hours of your time you can package food to be sent to Haiti, they are trying to get 300,000 meals packaged.
I also found thru this website I found this blog, the stories just break my heart... A Child's Hope International.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Diet Day 3
- Breakfast-Organic breakfast bar, with granola and fruits.
- Lunch-Spring mix salad with fat free honey mustard dressing, seseme seeds, seseme sticks and crasins. Leftover spaghetti and water to drink.
- Dinner?? Don't know yet! I need some ideas...
I started walking with girlfriends at work also on Saturday. I've got these small saddle bags and a love handle I'm wanting to rid of. Feels good to get out of my chair and away from the computer screen for 30 minutes and do some power walking. 3 days in and I'm already feeling better...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Diet Day 2
- Breakfast- granola with soy milk
- Lunch,we always eat with friends at Wendy's after church, so we had a baked potato with, yes cheese, and broccoli and a small chili. Which does have meat in it..but figured it would be better than the fried meat and bread. Oh and a coke to drink! Not good...
- Dinner? Well didn't do so good there either. We hung around town after church and awaited my 4 O'Clock bible study so by the time we got home for dinner it was 530. I just made spaghetti and salad. So this just isn't happening the way I pictured it.
Oh well, we are trying hard and that's what matters. We are eating A LOT more fruits and veggetables than we were which is great.
Until tomorrow.....
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Diet Day 1

- So basically what you do is increase your fresh fruits and vegetables. Obviously eating them raw is best, so you don't cook out the vitamins and minerals needed for your body.
- You also increase your fiber content (with bran, cereal, muesli, and brown bread).
- Reduce your meat intake by atleast half. I cut out all meat as I am not a huge meat eater to begin with. NO I'm a vegetarian and don't hate meat. Just not a big fan. Chickens ok..ground beef/turkey is ok. Steak? YUCK! But, I'm rabbit trailing....
- Eat more salads with fat free or reduced fat dressings
- Drink more juice, 100% juice that is. And increase your water intake as much as possible as it will help you flush out your system. Try to cut out carbonate beverages, coffee (hard for some I know!-I cheated this morning), dairy, team canned juice, and alcohol.
- Soy and soy products can be used. I purchased for the first time this week a carton of soy..and it was actually quite tasty..I added some to my cereal this morning.
Some fruits that are great at cleansing your colon are papayas, mangos, pineapple and kiwi. Out of those I can have pineapple! Some of you also know, I'm allergic to most fruits so this diet is a little chalenging. Pineapple, apples, grapes, mandarin oranges, and strawberries in moderation are about all I can eat without having a reaction. So I will probably be adding more veggies than fruits.
Day 1
Breakfast-cream cheese muffin! (I know I cheated, I bought them on sale at Kroger forgetting for a minute about the diet change, I figured they needed to be eaten so they don't go bad!)
Snack-granola with almonds and dark chocolate topped with soy milk. Cashews and peanuts also to snack on.
Lunch-Large baked potato, I'm sure butter is not allowed, but, I will be adding a small amount of butter. Drink? Well I bought one of those Naked Juice drinks, you may have seen them in the stores. They are quite pricey at about $3.50 for 10oz but, I found some that were on clearance for $1.25...well I got two Green Machines and one Orange drink. Haven't tried the orange drink yet..but the Green Machine was a bit hard to get down. I think it was more the consistancy than the flavor because it didn't taste all that bad.
Dinner- Well I cheated on dinner to be honest. By the time I got home I was so hungry. I knew the girls wouldn't eat just veggies, Ellie especially. So I fixed them something to eat and popped a spaghetti squash into the oven for me. Well I had no idea the squash would take an hour to blood sugar was getting low, I was getting shakey..and my mood was getting worse so I scarfed down a peanut butter sandwich! Oh well..back on track tomorrow...
Some of the side effects of doing this diet are: fatigue, weakness, diharrea, body aches, headaches, bloating, bad breath, nausea and spurts of acne!
If you are interested yourself in doing this colon cleanse you can study up here. Well, until tomorrow! OH and if you are brave enough do a google search on colon cleansing and then look at the images, it's amazing what 'crap' literally lurks in your body!
Friday, January 15, 2010

than myself! I take a small amount
time using and making fondant. But I enjoyed it
Monday, January 11, 2010

1 John 5:14-15
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy 2010!