A new page and a new year....lots of good things to come this year. I still can't believe that 2009 is gone already. Where did last year go, really? I mean honestly its hard for me to grasp how quickly time flys. Some memories as I look back over my calendar of last year:
In January we took a fun trip to the Mall of America and enjoyed being gone together as a family. I think this trip was when Chris and I realized how much we enjoy taking our children on trips and being gone together as a family.
In February we took a late anniversary trip to French Lick, Indiana and stayed at the historic hotel-French Lick Resort. If you are ever looking for a great getaway..it's a great visit! I will never forget their beds...I'd go back just for that comfort! In April we also learned that my Grandma Clark was terminally ill with meningial breast cancer and on May 16th she passed away. It was the most beautiful funeral that I had ever been to (not that I've been to that many). It was also a joyous time as she had recently received Christ and after her passing she was no longer in pain. Those months were the hardest of the year.
In June, our baby turned 5 and we discovered how quickly she is growing up. We also took our vacation and headed down to Mammoth Cave National Park. A week that we wil laugh at eventually. It's still a soft spot for me! Camping with an infant was not fun...I'd be willing to try again now..but that was a rough few days. However the cave tours we took were really fun and we really enjoyed that. Throughout the summer, I can't remember the date we started it exactly, but we did the Experiencing God study with our small group. I think it's safe to say that this study changed our spiritual lives. God worked and moved in this study in so many ways.
In August we tried to purchase a home but found out it wasn't God's will for us now. And had to learn to be content with where we are and pray about what His will for our future will be. August 26th, Isabella started Kindergarten, and I discovered how unprepared I was for my baby to go out into the world. She was more ready than I. That sad morning we said our goodbyes and sent her off on the bus, I turned my head as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I'm still getting used to her being gone every morning..and there's not a day that goes by still that I don't worry about her growing up. August 27, Ellie turned 1 and we celebrated with a Minnie Mouse party at a nearby park. She learned to walk soon there after and eventually started talking..
September 16 we celebrated our 9th anniversary and Chris' 34th birthday. We also had our second annual Clark family reunion, did the Breast Cancer walk downtown in memory of Grandma, and Isabella started her first swimming lessons.
On October 28th we headed to Sanibel Island for a week of fun and relaxation. Isabella learned to swim and by the end of the week was doing laps around the pool. Ellie also got brave (as did we) and by the end of the week she was going under water and fearless. I enjoyed this week with my sister and husband. It was a great fall getaway. We also learned this is THE best time to go to Sanibel. The weather was perfect. Oh and we visited the Naples Zoo, one of my highlights atleast!
In November I turned 31 and we celebrated our first Thanksgiving dinner with my siblings, in a long time. It was a great Thanksgiving as we had so much to be thankful for this year. And we also said tearful goodbyes to some close friends as the moved to New Zealand.
And finally in December we counted down the days until Christmas with Isabella! Oh the excitement of a child! Christmas was great as we celebrated with friends and family. It was a long but wonderful month. Again, New Year's came and went with the blink of an eye.
We in the Taylor household are looking forward to this near year and new beginnings. We pray that your new year brings you many blessings..

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