Today was Ellie's 18m checkup...almost 2 months late as she is nearing 20 months now. Gosh I can't believe she's that old already. And her sister is nearly 6, I'm feeling really old!
We have to do these 'evalulation sheets' everytime we go in for a checkup. Basically to check her progress....its the type where they ask you sets of questions about stuff she can do and they say once you get to 3 no's stop answering. Well up until now we've done that. She's progressed in some areas but not all..not like she's behind..but, just not there yet. For instance at her 12m appt they were asking if she was talking yet...or running and obviously not all 12m olds were there yet. So I disappointedly circled no. BUT, at this appt I went all the way to the end of the page! She has done it all ladies and gentlemen! She can run, speak more than 8 words, point when she wants something, try to ask for what she wants!, etc. She has progressed in so many ways since our last appt. Just in the last week or to she has changed so much. She's talking up a storm! She shakes her head yes or no when she does want or doesn't want something. She says juice!! and jump!
It's been a joy getting to know her the last few months as she is getting older. Her personality is showing more and more. She's definately going to be the entertainer. Yes Isabella entertains also (she's the dancer and singer) but Ellie is the jokester...
She measured at 34 1/4'' tall and 24.4lbs. She wears a size 5 shoe and is almost in 24m clothing. Shes inbetween 18-24m. OH and she got 2 shots neither of which she cried for! It's like she's been poked with a needle before and it was no big deal! She's a tough girl... (EFG watch out!)
After the visit though she slept for an hour and a half...those shots did wear her out...
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