My mom and dad are renting a condo in Ft. Myers for a lot of the summer. Mostly to be closer to my grandma and grandpa Mclean. Grandpa recently put my grandma in an alzheimers and dementia home just down the street from him and as you can imagine this has been extremely tough oh him. Up until a couple of months ago he has been her primary caregiver and it quickly became too much for him. This was a pretty great trip as we got to spend time with them and with my parents. It was also some much needed relaxation. It's amazing what a little sunshine and beach can do for the soul isn't it?
Some pictures at Bonita Beach...this was the first trip for me that we didn't visit Sanibel's beaches at all!

This little girl has no fear of the water at you can tell.
Isabella getting braver!

Isabella getting much braver!
Eating lunch at a dive at the tip of Pine Island..I had delicious crab balls..YUM.

The birthday dinner papaw made for mom and Isabella. Moms 
The birthday dinner papaw made for mom and Isabella. Moms
birthday is June 6th and Isabella's is June 9th. Papaw made
some delicous Lobster tail, twice baked potatoes and asparagus on the grill!
It was yummy...he's such a fantastic cook!
Visiting with grandma at Clare Bridge..there are 4 generations here...
my grandma, my mom, me and Isabella....(and ellie-so 5 !)
One afternoon we drove up towards Cape Coral where there is a Manatee Park..but, we say no Manatees. We found out when we got there that they only come to that area between November and March! BOO! The park is at a power plant where the Manatees like to swim in the warmer water that the power plant puts out...would have been cool to see!
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