but, she does know "mama, dada, mamaw, and ewe (my favorite :D )". Though she can't speak much more than that she understands a lot more. If she finds any trash anywhere you can tell her to put it in the trash and she will! Or ask her to find her shoes and she will. She will bring them to you, sit in your lap and stick her little feets in the air for you to put them on her. She has said 'no no' before but, it's not said often thankfully. I'm sure it's coming though! She can however, nod her head yes! She dances (by shaking her body back and forth), twirls and trys to run (in her pretty new gym shoes mamaw and papaw clark bought her).
Ellie on a normal day eats a ton. She loves bananas and pancakes for breakfast. Grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, cheese slices, cheddar cheese fishies, this girl loves cheese! She will also eat breaded fish, chicken, ground beef (finally), broccoli, beans, hotdogs, and mashed potatoes. Her menu is quite large. Any pasta is her favorite...
She's sleeping better these days too..is it odd that finally at 16 months she sleeps like a normal child? But then again, I guess, what's normal? She goes to bed around 730 and gets up around 7. Naps anywhere between 1 and 3. Though this has been happening on a typical day..it's not always so..like yesterday. Of course I was planning on getting lots done during her 2 hour naps she's been taking.....she woke after 30 minutes! And was a crank for the rest of the afternoon! Needless to say, I didn't get much done!
While this little addition to our family continues to be an adjustment, she has been a complete joy. She is so entertaining and funny. So cuddly and loving. Isabella loves her more and more and can't wait for the day when they can play and understand one another. Isabella gets frustrated with her when she's trying to have a conversation and Ellie's attention span is at about 0. "Ellie Ellie watch me! This is how you tie your shoe!" And meanwhile Ellie is running out of the room! Or "Ellie Ellie watch! Watch me draw this!" And Ellie isn't looking at her at all...
It's so fun for us to watch then interact. Isabella is becoming so helpful with her. She tries feeding her, puts her in and takes her out of her booster seat. She loves for her to play in her room with her, sometimes I should say, not always. Sometimes Ellie gets into things she shouldn't. And I learned yesterday that Isabella pulled Ellie out of her crib when she woke up....sort of scares me :D, because when I got home from work I noticed a rickety little stool next to the crib.

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