Miss Ellie Grace 18M

I can't believe my babys this close to being
It's crazy how fast they grow up isn't it?
I know everyone says that..and used to get annoyed
when people would say that "be careful, they'll be grown up
before you know it!" "Cherish every moment..they won't be
little forever"
yea yea yea...
But, its true! I guess it's different when they're you own
I was talking about this last night with Chris..
next year Isabella will be in 1st grade! 6 in June..where has
time gone? I can't believe we will have a 6 year
Ellie has learned so much in the last month.
She's started running..and she's quick too!
It's so cute to see her little legs and body woddle
as she runs from you.
We've been enjoying her so much..
It's the little things she does...
Cuddling up with you on the couch to
watch Nick Jr, kisses as we go bye-bye,
yelling 'maaaaam! or daaad!' from her room
when she wants to get out of bed..
The amount of words she says has definately gone up
in the last week or so.
Mom, dad, (mumbo jumbo) for Isabella-but its the same mouth
full everytime she refers to her, up, jump, mamaw, starting
to say papaw. She can meow like a cat, bark like a dog, and
mooooo like a cow. She's learned how to undress herself..and redress for the most
part. She enjoys taking her diaper off as well. Funny story-This week
Chris was at home with the girls, and he walked into the
laundry room to Ellie standing there completely nude. Diaper at her feet
filled with poo. He wondered then, what do I do? Wipe her off real quick or put her in the
shower?? And it's kind of hard to wipe her
standing up..she's already messed up the natural process
of changing a diaper. He left her there for a minute
and ran to her room to get a new diaper, before putting her in the
shower. As he returned she had pee'd all over the floor under her!
Needless to say he didn't think it was funny.
I think it's hilarious! Dads are so funny with their kids..
Oh bonus find this week at GoodWill, talking Dora doll for Ellie
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