- white patches in the throat? YES
- difficulty swallowing? YES
- swollen glands?! YES!
- stomach pain? YES
- fever? YES, off and on..
- general discomfort, uneasiness, or just ill feeling? YES
- loss of appetite or nausea? A little..
- rash? not that I've noticed
SO I'm really only guessing that's it by process of elimination.. I was thinking on the way to work today how funny it is that as mom's we always try to figure out the symptoms of our children and be the doctor. I'm not always right. Sometimes I'll really be thinking I know for sure what something is and we'll go to the doctors and I'll be wrong. Just like with Ellie twice now..but yes, it was something with her ears. I talk to the girls at work and they all do the same thing..trying to figure out what their kids have. Maybe moms should be able to go thru a basic medical class FOR FREE, just so we can help out the doctors. Oh and I think Amoxicillin should be over the counter! Seems to be what they give them for everything anyway! So anyway, Isabella is thoroughly enjoying being off school for a few days.
What other medical issues do we have going on you might ask? Well funny you mention it, Chris is having his knee scoped tomorrow..seems he injured it many many years ago and should have had it fixed then, but didnt. And it's just gotten worse each time he's used it for anything 'sports' related. He's got a lot of tissue floating around that needs to come out. So we have that to look forward to tomorrow morning. The good thing about scoping is how minor of a surgery it is. They do put you completely under but, have you up and walking on it and doing therapy within 2 days. He's doing therapy on Thursday and Friday already. So hopefully this will be a quick fix and he will be back to normal soon. I've got to think of some good movies to get for him since he may be couch or bed ridden for a few days! If you've got any let me know.
As for me? I'm all good...busy playing doctor mom :). I'm enjoying it though.
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