Miss Ellie was 23 months on the 27th, I'm a little late I know..but, I can't do these updates EVERY month. At what point do you stop!? I think 2 years is good :D. So next will be her 2 year update then maybe a 2.5 update..and so on. She's learned so much since I last wrote about her...I don't even remember when that was. Just in the last week her vocabulary has exploded. Isabella recently taught her to say 'yes' when you ask her a question that requires a yes or no answer. Like, " do you want to go jump Ellie?" "yes!" she says..its really cute. Its more of a 'yets!'. She also says things like bubble butts, papaws buts (bus), MINE!, NO!, sissa (for isabella), and 'i wanna go ome (home)'. "I wanna...." is her favorite. "I wan bora (dora)", "I wan sissa, I wan baby, I wan daddy, I wan jump (on the trampoline), I wan...(this or that)...". It's pretty darn cute. She also loves to give kisses and "hougs" in the morning..which I love of course. She loves to run with the big kids and LOVES dora. Or BORA as she calls her. Yesterday I bought her a Dora movie at Walleyworld and she was histerical! She wanted to go home right then and watch bora. She was all about it. Anything with bora on it she loves. We were shopping at Macy's one day and found a dora dress on the clearance rack, bonus! When she saw it she was histerical again! She began ripping her clothes off her body right then...she couldn't wait to get this bora dress on as soon as she could.
She's also sleeping much better..I'd say 5-6 nights out of the week she sleeps right thru. One thing that I think has helped is putting both the girls in the same room. One of us will go lay on Isabella's bed, Ellie will ask for your hand, and she'll hold it until she falls asleep! Which will only take about 15-25 minutes at the most. It's been great to sleep thru the night. Mostly anyway..I still wake wondering why one of them isn't up, but then I quickly fall back asleep.
Being home for the past 3 months has been awsome. I've loved every moment of it. Yes it's work...it is a job...but, it's worth it. I would trade this for anything, being home to watch them grow and learn..makes me sad to think about all that I've missed in the past years! But, I can't dwell on that now can I! Just have the future to look forward to..speaking of which we need to order Isabella's school books soon! We have a school year to 'plan' and get ready for.
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