Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our bounty..

Well the chickens are starting to lay quite regularly.
Yesterday we had 4 eggs! The eggs are getting
larger in size also..they started off real'd need 2
atleast to make up for one of our 'store bought' large eggs.
While we haven't eaten one scrambled or poached yet..I have baked
with them and we're still alive! Yes, it makes me nervous to eat them
because we've only had store bought up until now. But
I love the fact that we are eating off our land..not only eggs but we have a bounty
of corn now too! Isabella and I picked about 30 ears
the other's quite a job shucking them all and getting
all the little hairs off of them. But worth it because it is quite delicious.
I also grew some onion this year..they were quite little as you can see..
I had to pick them early because for some reason they were starting to go
bad! So I'll cut it up and freeze it save it for later.
We also got a few tomatoes. Unfortunately all the rain we've gotten hasn't
been a good thing for the garden. It quickly became over weeded and
we lost most of our beans due to the weeds and the swampyness of the garden.
Same thing with the tomato plants. I replanted some of them, most of which
died but, one survived the replant. And I noticed one yesterday
there is still hope!

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