Saturday, December 11, 2010
how to make lots of chicken and rice
10 cups of rice
20 cups of water
12 chickens cut up
15 cans of mushroom soup
12 pkgs of dried onion soup
First, process the ckns as usual. make sure to remove all feathers, bones, and skin.
spread rice in the bottom of your largest baking dish. add the water and sprinkle onion soup over. add the ckn. pour soup all over. bake all day at 350. if you have an outdoor oven or fire pit this may work best.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A delicious meal.....recipe by request..
Friday, September 10, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010
Beth Moore
to destruction.

We had pretty awesome seats on Friday night,
rightdown in front. We got there almost an hour
and a half early to get these. Though we stayed up too late
Friday night devouring the pizza below and watching a movie
we arrived about 15m before the show started Saturday and
still got floor seats! See the ladies in blue down in front?
We sat right behind them! God is good..

Notice the odd short slice? How does that happen? They
cheated us out of a 1/4 of a slice! :D
Friday, August 6, 2010
Some words that are speaking to me this week.....maybe they'll speak to you too...
1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.
4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still
19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD, and abhor those who rise up against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Our bounty..
Isabella looses another tooth! And Ellie is 23 months!
Miss Ellie was 23 months on the 27th, I'm a little late I know..but, I can't do these updates EVERY month. At what point do you stop!? I think 2 years is good :D. So next will be her 2 year update then maybe a 2.5 update..and so on. She's learned so much since I last wrote about her...I don't even remember when that was. Just in the last week her vocabulary has exploded. Isabella recently taught her to say 'yes' when you ask her a question that requires a yes or no answer. Like, " do you want to go jump Ellie?" "yes!" she says..its really cute. Its more of a 'yets!'. She also says things like bubble butts, papaws buts (bus), MINE!, NO!, sissa (for isabella), and 'i wanna go ome (home)'. "I wanna...." is her favorite. "I wan bora (dora)", "I wan sissa, I wan baby, I wan daddy, I wan jump (on the trampoline), I wan...(this or that)...". It's pretty darn cute. She also loves to give kisses and "hougs" in the morning..which I love of course. She loves to run with the big kids and LOVES dora. Or BORA as she calls her. Yesterday I bought her a Dora movie at Walleyworld and she was histerical! She wanted to go home right then and watch bora. She was all about it. Anything with bora on it she loves. We were shopping at Macy's one day and found a dora dress on the clearance rack, bonus! When she saw it she was histerical again! She began ripping her clothes off her body right then...she couldn't wait to get this bora dress on as soon as she could.
She's also sleeping much better..I'd say 5-6 nights out of the week she sleeps right thru. One thing that I think has helped is putting both the girls in the same room. One of us will go lay on Isabella's bed, Ellie will ask for your hand, and she'll hold it until she falls asleep! Which will only take about 15-25 minutes at the most. It's been great to sleep thru the night. Mostly anyway..I still wake wondering why one of them isn't up, but then I quickly fall back asleep.
Being home for the past 3 months has been awsome. I've loved every moment of it. Yes it's is a job...but, it's worth it. I would trade this for anything, being home to watch them grow and learn..makes me sad to think about all that I've missed in the past years! But, I can't dwell on that now can I! Just have the future to look forward to..speaking of which we need to order Isabella's school books soon! We have a school year to 'plan' and get ready for.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A delicious new recipe!
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast, grilled or broiled
1 can chicken broth
1 chicken bouillon cube
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon fresh parsley, minced
1 1/2 c. sour cream1
1/2 c. mayonnaise
2 stalks celery, diced
1 lb. seedless green grapes
1 1/2 c. pecan halves
1 c. chopped dill
3/4 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. black pepper
2 bunches salad greens
Dill sprigs, optional garnish
Boil the chicken in the bouillon and garlic. Cube or shred the chicken (leftover chicken may also be used). In a large bowl mix sour cream, mayonnaise, diced celery. Stir in chicken, celery, grapes, pecans, dill, salt and pepper, to taste.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to blend flavors.
Serve chicken salad on a bed of greens; garnish with dill sprigs. Serve with fresh fruit and/or croissants.
Cooks Note: For extra texture and nutrition, sprinkle with roasted sunflower seeds, toasted sesame seeds or fresh alfalfa sprouts just before serving.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Fresh meat...I mean meal...
When we got out into the field Chris laid its neck up on a log, it very calmly cooperated! I was so suprised I thought it would have been trying to get away..I didn't realize at the time that when you turn them upside down like that they pass out. With one chop of the hatchet it's head was pretty much off...but, it was enough to kill it. It didn't suffer! It's nerves were still going wild's wings started flapping and it was spinning all around the place, I'll just say it's a good thing Chris wore old clothes becuase he had blood everywhere! It was rather nasty.
Next we tied it up in a tree to drain the blood, but most of it was out at that point. We walked back to the 'yard' to catch another. I think at this point they knew what was going on cause they didn't want to be caught! 4 of us atleast gathered in somewhat of a circle around them and selected one that would do. Each time we jumped for it though it took off! I finally grabbed one quick enough by its tail feathers, I had to hold it hard though because it was really flapping it's wings trying to get away from me. It was flying, or trying rather, while I was holding its tail. I was telling Chris to take it soon! It was hard to hold.
The second rooster killing went a bit faster. The head trimming was a little cleaner. Keegan (my nephew) did the second one, he did great. Blood didn't splatter with that one. And it was delayed in trying to get away..but it calmed down by the time we got it to the tree.
We had a pot of boiling water ready for the de-feathering stage. We carried them back to the house (outside of course!) and dunked them into the water quickly and the feathers came right took a while to get them all out but, they pulled out easily. One rooster was the exact same color as one of those rubber chickens you can buy. It was really gross looking. The other Chris and our friend Jeremy skinned. It was still pretty gross looking. They seemed to get all the inards out rather easily. It was time consuming but not as hard as you would think. It was neat seeing all it's insides. I've never disected anything so I've never seen a heart, liver, intestings or stomach that up close. It wasn't as gross as you would think. The whole process, from catching -killing-putting in the oven was about 2 hours. About how long we estimated it to take.
I have to tell you though after seeing all that I wasn't too keen on eating it. For one thing it smelled REAL bad. The de-feathering process was nasty it smelled like really bad wet dog. And it still smelled that way when we put it in the oven, with spices and such on it. And you know for all that work there was hardly enough meat for the 6 of us and the meat was real tough. We know now that roosters are much more fit than hens. They are much more active, the hens barely get around because they are so fat! But the roosters are all over the place all the time.
We enjoyed our meal...which was almost completely organic. Fresh free range chicken, freshly picked green beans and potatoes from the garden. I only wish the corn was ready!
Friday, July 9, 2010
New rooms
And our lovely floors! They are darker in person, the color is dark maple oak I believe..
This past week we also got new carpet in our family room, we shopped and shopped for the best deal..and while we found a great deal, it was a bit frustrating to deal with the people from who we bought it. (sorry for the runon sentence) We also painted the room 'Lion' green, a Behr Glidden paint! -Because I like it so much better, and it's cheaper!
Here are some pictures of the living room..before and after
Friday, June 18, 2010
Last month my parents felt a strong sense from the One above that they should be in Florida, closer to my grandpa and for whatever other reasons God may have in store. By an act of God they found an incredible condo 10m from a beach and 15m from my grandpa, for an incredibly low price.
A bit of background information: My grandpa over the last several years has cared for my gma who has been battling parkinson's disease and a form of dementia. Over the last couple of years her condition has dwindled to the point of her not being able to do anything for herself. Grandpa cared for her in every way. He is the strongest person I know..and full of so much love and devotion. He vowed to never place her in a 'home' but all that he was doing for her wasn't enough and he could no longer do as much as she needed. He found a home down the street from him, practically in the same neighborhood, specializing in alzheimer's and dementia. I was amazed when we first visited her a couple of weeks ago, it was such an uplifting atmosphere...but then again that's their point! To better the lives and quality of living for those suffering with those diseases. They had meal plans, games, and activities daily...and they wern't allowed to sit in their rooms alone..they liked them out and about socializing (as well as they could) with their 'friends'. The nurses and staff there at Clare Bridge are awesome..they are all so sweet and kind, you can really tell that they care about the people there and what they do.
The girls and I stayed and visited for a week with my parents and my grandparents and went home relaxed. Grandma took a turn for the worse this past Sunday. She had been battling a stomach infection and they had a hard time getting her to take her medicine, they had to bribe her with candy :D.....but, the infection didn't go away. Saturday the 12th she was as fine as she could be, eating normal and able to swallow on her own, then something happened that night because on Sunday she got worse. She wasn't able to eat or drink...nor take her medication. The doctors thought she probably had a stroke or maybe even a seizure. Not being able to take her medication orally, led her to hospice that evening.
Something dreadful also happened that night....we're not sure of all the details, nor does it even matter I suppose. But my grandpa went to check on my uncle down the street because he wasn't answering his phone...and he found him unresponsive in his condo. My uncle, Bebo (a childhood nickname), died early that morning.
Not only is our family mourning the loss of a son, brother, father and uncle but we are also mourning the near end of the life of my grandma. It's hard to put into words exactly what this week has been like. A roller coaster of emotions and feelings.
One reason I know my parents were led to FL was to assist in my grandma's salvation on Tuesday morning of this week. We have prayed and prayed for years for them and I specifically prayed this past monday and tuesday for grandma to have some moments of clarity and Truth spoken to her....and she did! Mom said she said so clearly, "I love Jesus". And after that they prayed and she asked Jesus into her heart. Since then she has gone they time my sister and I flew into Ft. Myers on Friday she hasn't been awake. During the week she was somewhat responsive to touch...but, Friday and Saturday she slept nonstop and her breathing started changing....
Saturday we had my uncles memorial service which was so nice. Hospice, where my gma is offered their chapel when they found out what had was a small service, but nice. My grandpa spoke for quite a while about the love he had for his son and how proud he was of him. A close friend spoke for a bit about the love he had for his long time friend...After the service we all shared a meal at The Metzaluna (an Italian place) on Sanibel. Despite the circumstances we all had a great meal together. My aunt Roseanne and my cousin Kate (my uncles daughter) we hadn't seen in atleast 20's been so great to see them again. It's been so great to catch up and talk about the years past.
After dinner we headed out to the lighthouse to spread some of my uncles ashes. My grandpa was driving in front of me and I noticed him swirve off the road a bit and quickly pull over. As I quickly parked the car near them I ran over to see what was going on. Hospice had called and let him know that grandma had died. I keep replaying the scene in my head....over and over awful to get word that your wife has passed on the night of your sons funeral. It's just nothing but sad and emotionally draining to think about. And my poor mom lost her only brother and mother in the same week. It's the same for her. I keep replaying my sobbing grandpa in the driver seat...crying so hard he was loosing his breath. How sad to loose the love of your life, they had been married for more than 50 years! It's been such a hard week...emotionally draining and in times like these how can one not lean on their Father above? He is the only one getting us through this hard time...He is the ultimate comforter....
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Visiting Florida in June
The birthday dinner papaw made for mom and Isabella. Moms
One afternoon we drove up towards Cape Coral where there is a Manatee Park..but, we say no Manatees. We found out when we got there that they only come to that area between November and March! BOO! The park is at a power plant where the Manatees like to swim in the warmer water that the power plant puts out...would have been cool to see!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lowe's Field Trip
Isabella came right home and started painting her house.
Afterwards we went to a nearby park for a picnic.
2 of the 3 classes eating lunch
Isabella and Wendy playing under the playset..
Releasing the classroom butterflies at the end of the day...